Since 2019, Child Houses works towards a world where every vulnerable child, especially those impacted by crises, grows up in a safe, nurturing, and family-based environment.

We currently operate in northwest Syria where we drive a mission of care and commitment, teaming up with communities to make sure every child receives the care they deserve. Your support is crucial in helping us provide personalized care and create lasting, nurturing environments. Thank you so much for your help – your generosity powers everything we do.

The Syria Campaign is running this fundraiser on behalf of Child Houses

Recent donations

  • Jon, United Kingdom
    3 hours ago
  • Teresa, United Kingdom
    4 hours ago
  • Larissa, Australia
    14 hours ago
  • Alison, United Kingdom
    20 hours ago
  • Ann, United States
    20 hours ago
  • Patricia, United Kingdom
    1 day ago
  • Gostandinos, United Kingdom
    1 day, 5 hours ago
  • Leila, Germany
    1 day, 7 hours ago
  • Brian, United Kingdom
    1 day, 8 hours ago
  • John, United States
    1 day, 14 hours ago

Support Child Houses

Whatever you give, we'll use it to provide safety and care to vulnerable children. Please give what you can. Even the cost of a meal or a cup of coffee can make a big difference.
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    The Syria Campaign takes your privacy seriously in accordance with our privacy policy.

    Recent donations

    • Jon, United Kingdom
      3 hours ago
    • Teresa, United Kingdom
      4 hours ago
    • Larissa, Australia
      14 hours ago
    • Alison, United Kingdom
      20 hours ago
    • Ann, United States
      20 hours ago
    • Patricia, United Kingdom
      1 day ago
    • Gostandinos, United Kingdom
      1 day, 5 hours ago
    • Leila, Germany
      1 day, 7 hours ago
    • Brian, United Kingdom
      1 day, 8 hours ago
    • John, United States
      1 day, 14 hours ago

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