Will you send a message to your country's UN Ambassador? It only takes a minute. Over 157,000 people have been forcibly disappeared or are arbitrarily detained in Syria, snatched at checkpoints, in their homes or workplaces. The majority have been placed in Syria’s horrific prison system, but the authorities deny holding them or conceal their fate to families and loved ones.

There are two things victims of forced disappearance, and their families, urgently need.

First, the immediate and unconditional release of all arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared peoples in Syria.

Second, immediate support for the newly-established International Institution for Missing Persons in Syria. This institution must operate with full independence, funding and credibility - centring on survivors and the families of the forcibly disappeared. The institution must be granted immediate access to all detention facilities in Syria.

One of the few organisations that has any power to drive change for Syrian victims and survivors is the United Nations. But we are only likely to drive meaningful change if concerned citizens around the world take action.

Will you write to your country’s representative to the UN, and demand they take action to achieve these two goals?

Our tool provides a draft letter: all you need to do is enter your contact details, and press send. You can edit the text if you like with your own message of support. Please be aware that your name, email, city and country will be included in the email to your country's UN Ambassador. Together, we can put worldwide pressure on our representatives to urgently act.

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Tell your UN Ambassador: pursue freedom and justice for Syria’s forcibly disappeared

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